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工作场所受伤可能会让人望而生畏, and navigating the complexities of 工人赔偿索偿s adds an additional layer of stress. 本指南旨在简化这一过程, ensuring that employees in Louisiana understand the steps necessary to secure their benefits effectively.


你工作努力, 你是个好员工, it’s understandable that you don’t want to talk about an injury keeping you from performing your duties.

But one of the most common mistakes we see those make under the workers’ compensation system is failing to report your workplace injury right after it takes place. Sometimes people never tell anyone they were hurt and live their life with regrets of not getting the proper treatment and compensation.

The first opportunity you receive to inform your boss of your accident, do so promptly. Reporting your accident should always be the first step of action for any successful 工人赔偿索偿.


路易斯安那州法律要求在30天内报告受伤情况. 然而, the formal claim for workers’ compensation benefits must be filed within one year from the date of the accident. Adhering to these time limits is critical to ensure that you do not forfeit your right to claim compensation.

Failing to inform your supervisor of the damage done within the 30-day time frame may result in a loss of access to workers’ compensation benefits.

Don’t miss the 30-day window for your 工人赔偿索偿, call (504) 475-2429 今天开始.

一旦你向雇主报告意外事故, it is now their responsibility to report to your company’s workers’ compensation insurance company about your injury.

When reporting your accident, be sure to include and keep in mind:

  • 你受伤的严重程度,一定要包括每一个细节.
  • Some injuries may take time to develop and you want to be sure they are covered under your claim if they do.
  • The more information you provide about what happened and how the better your chance of seeking compensation is.


Although this is step number 2 in steps to take for your 工人赔偿索偿, 寻求医疗帮助也一样, if not more important than step number 1 because your overall health should be the first concern.

Seeking medical help ASAP following your accident will give you the best chance at recovering fully, 同时也记录了所有的损失.

It’s important to be aware that you shouldn’t just go and schedule with any doctor, 因为有一些指导方针可以遵循. While the Louisiana 工人的补偿 Act states that your employer must pay for your medical treatment, 你需要填写一份医生选择表, which is then approved by a claims adjuster or your place of employment.


This is another time-sensitive step to take following your work-related injury. 收集信息有助于建立一个对你有利的强有力的案例. The more evidence you have, the easier it will be to seek the compensation you deserve.

Jotting down the details of your accident soon after it happens allows for you to remember the events in great detail, 哪一个会使你的主张更有力.


  • 事故发生的地点
  • 事故是如何发生的?
  • 你在事故发生前做了什么
  • 你为什么要这么做, including the supervisor who gave you orders to do whatever you were doing when you were injured
  • 记录任何证人的信息

Be sure to receive a copy of the accident report that your employer submits, this is crucial.

Documenting these events will help in the event that your claim is denied. 这一证据将有助于简化上诉程序.


Navigating the workers’ compensation system in Louisiana involves several potential obstacles that can complicate receiving rightful benefits:

  1. 声明否认: 保险 companies may deny claims due to discrepancies in reports, 声称受伤与工作无关, 或者迟交文件.
  2. 延迟支付: Insurers might delay payments by requesting excessive documentation, 哪些会给受伤的工人带来经济压力.
  3. 低估损失理算员经常低估损失,以尽量减少赔付金额, leading to insufficient settlements that don’t cover full medical and rehabilitation costs.
  4. 医疗纠纷: Insurers may dispute the necessity or extent of medical treatments, 拒绝为必要的恢复过程提供保险.
  5. 雇主的报复提出索赔的工人可能会遭到报复, 比如解雇或降职, 哪些是非法的,但仍在发生.
  6. 系统的复杂性: The complexity of navigating the workers’ compensation system can be daunting without knowledgeable guidance and legal support.

Given these challenges, securing experienced legal representation is crucial. An attorney specializing in workers’ compensation can advocate effectively, 导航纠纷, 确保所有应得的福利都能得到.

Step 4: Seek the Assistance of a Qualified New Orleans 工人的补偿 Attorney

Following a workplace injury there are two things that need to be protected:

  • 你的健康
  • 你的权利

在肖邦律师事务所, we work around the clock to ensure our clients receive the legal assistance they need and deserve to get their life back to how it was. Our experienced New Orleans workers’ compensation attorneys have over 100 years of experience fighting against insurance companies to get our clients the compensation they are entitled to!


  • 你的要求被拒绝
  • 比你应得的少得多
  • 被你的经纪人利用了
  • Getting lost in the system, resulting in a lengthy case settlement


如果你正在处理路易斯安那州的工伤事故, 不要独自处理工人的索赔过程. 联系 肖邦律师事务所今天将对您的案件进行全面评估. 我们经验丰富的团队随时准备为您提供帮助, 从提出索赔到处理任何纠纷.

For more information on how to file a workers comp claim in Louisiana, 在路易斯安那州如何获得工伤赔偿, 或者如果你在路易斯安那州工作时受伤了该怎么办, 访问我们的详细指南 肖邦律师事务所的工人赔偿页面.

这个经过扩展和优化的博客现在包含了详细的步骤, 重要的法律考虑, 以及专业的建议, ensuring it is a comprehensive resource for Louisiana workers dealing with workplace injuries.

如果你在工作中受伤了,不要接受别人的拒绝! 立即365bet at (504) 475-2429 开始你的病例评估.